A & T AGM Minutes

(2002 Web-site Archive)



Held at the Miners Welfare Club on Wednesday 4th December 2002.

Present : D.Greenough, D.Hack, M.Hack, P.Hagerty, R.Heslop, S.Mills, G.Nuttall, W.Phillips.

Apologies : G.Edwards, J.Hack, R.Hack, J.Longworth, R.Longworth, S.Longworth, L.Priestley.

MEETING OPENED AT 7.30 pm with W.Phillips in the chair.

CHAIRMANS WELCOME : The Club had enjoyed a mixed year. There had been limited success on the track, with the club achieving the Northern Junior League title win. The highlight of the season had been the signing of the two Polish riders, who in their brief spell with the club proved to be excellent, both on and off the track. Three successful grant applications had been made, resulting in the purchase of: a new cabin, 10 bikes and the training of two coaches arising from the National Lottery grant; future equipment items from the Community Chest grant; future promotional items from the AGMA grant. The Club continued to develop its facilities. However, he cited problems of lack of support from the Miners Welfare Club Committee, in particular members of the Cricket Section.

ACCEPTANCE OF 2001 MINUTES : These were accepted.

MATTERS ARISING : It was noted that most items planned under the Future Activities section were carried out, whereas those listed under the Any Other Business section were not. Thanks were expressed to the Clubs sponsors and to the Website manager.

ANNUAL REPORT : Accepted by the meeting. The meeting was happy with the Financial situation of the Club.

CONSTITUTION & RULES : No changes proposed.


Chairman - Bill Phillips;

Secretary - Mike Hack;

Treasurer - Mike Hack;

Team Manager - Mike Hack;

Development Officers - Phil Hagerty (Grants, Fundraising), Steve Mills, Roy Heslop, Gail Edwards (Commercial Sponsorships, Advertising), Len Priestley, Phil Hagerty (Photographers), Len Priestley (Website Manager), John Hack - (Video Cameraman), Mike Hack, Roy Heslop (Press, Match Programmes);

Track Manager - Gary Nuttall;

Club Captain - Damien Hack;

Assistant Treasurer - Gail Edwards;

Assistant Team Manager - Gary Nuttall;

Assistant Track Managers - Bill Phillips, Roy Heslop, Steve Holland.

The following non-Committee posts were filled : Refreshments Manager - June Phillips; Kit Manager - Stenia Hack; Clerk of the Course - Bill Phillips.


Track work

In the absence of a plan being made by the previous Track Manager, Gary Nuttall to compile a programme of work for the winter.

Pre-season training

Every Sunday from 16th February at 2 pm, and every Tuesday from 18th February at 7 pm.

Training nights

These will now take place on Tuesdays. 7 - 8 pm for the junior squad, 8 - 9 pm for the senior squad. Tuesday nights to be for training only. Track work sessions to be programmed in once a month, on Thursday nights.


This is dependent on the outcomes from the round of AGMs this winter. Mike Hack, Gary Nuttall and Bill Phillips to decide.

Major events

Friday 1st / Saturday 2nd August - World Championships.

Date TBC - A & T Festival.

Date TBC - North West Grand Prix.

Other Plans

Joint meeting to be held at Gin Pit with Bury CSC on Monday 9th December, 7.30 pm start, concerning 2003 World Championships.

Northern Alliance AGM to be held at Gin Pit on Sunday 15th December, 2 pm start.

Phil Hagerty suggested that people raise funds for the World Championships by putting £1 per week away. Roy Heslop suggested the purchase of a chest freezer in the refreshments cabin. It was agreed that all club members should take responsibility for the recruitment of new members. Roy Heslop suggested the purchase of two new hosepipes. Mike Hack suggested that all matches be videoed, so that evidence is available should the club wish to make a complaint on any issue, and also to use for training purposes. Roy Heslop suggested that the club buy a video recorder and connect to the television in the Groves Suite for video coaching juniors after their on track coaching sessions.


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